Saturday, December 31, 2011


I don't just write my convictions. 

I speak them also. 

It took some time to work up the gumption to freely acknowledge my anti-theist stance in personal contact, but it's like all other first time "frights."  Once you take the plunge, it gets easier.  I still remember the first time this backward North Dakota ranch kid picked up a phone to make a call.  I was literally sweating and trembling. 

On December 30, I went a couple of miles to another old couple's home to clean their carpets.  He was even older than I (84) and getting around with a cane.  They were nice people, and I enjoyed doing the job for them.

In the middle of the job, he asked me if I was a church going person.  Like many others, they want to build up the attendance of their little church located about half way back toward my house along AZ 260.

I didn't hem or haw or feel embarrassed.  I just stated that I was a "devout atheist." 

No argument, surprise or hosstility entered in, at least none I could detect.  In fact, he asked me for cards to hand out to friends before I left and again made an overture for me to stop into their church if I ever had the urge to do so.

That, of course, just isn't going to happen.  I have better uses for my time and the few dollars I have in my pocket.

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