Thursday, May 8, 2014


I bought a book Saturday -- George Carlin's autobiography, Last Words -- for $1. I love autobiographies and especially about people I love and look up to, like George Carlin. He's sharp. He's irreverent. He's totally honest and above board. Especially, his knack for saying it exactly like it is. I respect that. Too bad he's now among the dearly departed.

I don't know how long it will take to get through the book, reading a little every day but I'm certainly going to finish it. People are so damn interesting and when someone as interesting and unique as George tells his story, it gets downright spellbinding.

We really should be fascinated by everyone we meet because, if we could know their story, it would usually be fascinating. Maybe some lives could be a bit dull, but even that would contain lessons in avoiding dullness.

Biographies are good two, but they have the disadvantage of being secondhand, someone else's take and interpretation of a person's life.

I like it firsthand.

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