Friday, October 4, 2013

(From Facebook.)

It was a beautiful wedding in the pines north of Flagstaff. A young canadian couple were vacationing and decided they wanted to get married while here. It was just them, me and two witnesses, which means we weren't delayed by guests who got lost or had car trouble, etc. Wedding at noon and we were eating lunch in Flagstaff by 1 pm. They had plenty of time to get the license back to the court and certified yet this afternoon.

Phyllis is napping. I'm doing what I enjoy most and in about three hours we get to listen to Bill Maher, one of our favorite news analysts. I can only imagine what he'll have to say tonight.

In the meantime, I'll fill in -- not with the same humor, however. Some of us have that talent, and I don't. I don't have the humorous ability of a Bill Maher or the patience of a Barack Obama. I admire others for the qualities they exemplify and don't mind admitting when I couldn't begin to measure up.

The longer I live, the more I realize that mankind's problems and the evils that beset society are grounded in fanaticism of both the political and the religious variety. Our nation's founders realized that and took great pains to try to keep the two evils separated. Through the tea party, we see the results of attempts to unite the two. What's going on in Washington right now is nothing more that a religio-fascist attempt to circumvent constitutional democracy and impose the edictis of a fanatic minority on the nation as a whole. Only the ilk of a Pat Robertson would cheer such a thing!

We're wasting time and treasure trying to fight al queda and the taliban on foreign ground while a christian fascist political organization tries to take over our own country from the inside and impose their will by decree!

Call me whatever you like, but I lived under a dictatorial religious system for over twenty years. I know it when I see it. The tea party hates american constitutional government and are doing their utmost to subvert it! They are convinced they are right and that they have a duty to make you and me -- and the president -- submit!

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