Saturday, December 28, 2013


(From Facebook.)

Early morning again, and of course, I'm thinking. I was reflecting on how historically ignorant the average person is and how that sets them up for all kinds of delusion and deception.

Take the matter of a savior. People are absolutely convinced that the story began about 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. Sorry, nowhere near close to the facts. I recently shared a comparison between Jesus and Horus, the egyptian god and savior. Everything the same! Virgin birth at the winter solstice rebirth of the sun, martydom, etc.

The same was true for Mythra, Apollo, Krishna, a whole host of deities. What we hear preached today is just a variant of what was preached in ancient Egypt, Babylon, India, you name it. It all harks back to astrological nonsense and has the same purpose: keep people feeling condemned and guilty and in need of deliverance so you can provide that deliverance through a formula that keeps you in control of their lives and, most importantly, their purses.

Roman emperors saw the necessity of amalgamating all those competing and confusion-generating systems into one imperial mythology they could enforce upon the masses. Through brute force, they prevailed and even though the system subsequently fragmented, it permeates the western world. To cast it off is practically unthinkable to the average person. Their whole identity is caught up in it. It is enforced through overwhelming societal pressure. Most don't even want to think about it.

It's time to go ahead and enjoy the seasonal partying while we openly acknowledge the ancient mythologies involved, sort of like our acknowleging Zeus and Thor. We need to cast aside those demeaning elements of guilt and need for salvation through a human sacrifice. It's time to openly teach the facts and get rid of all this subservience based on fictional guilt. Let's quit this toadlike prayerful posture of our faces down, our eyes closed, with our asses in the air while we talk to ourselves about our sinfulness and beg for forgiveness from a figment of our imagination.

We all make mistakes. We all hurt others some way, some time. No need for some fictional perfect godman sacrifice. We just need to acknowledge our failing, apologize and make whatever amends are possible and move on. It's called maturity and character. If we're decent individuals, there's no need for horrific threats of eternal punishment to keep us in line. Proper example and teaching when we're young will do the trick. I fall back on the character examples of my parents and other respected individuals every day.

Let's view mythology as historical fact, not some sacrosanct revelation of unchangeable truth!

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