Sunday, December 15, 2013


(From Facebook.)

I'm going to get away from this computer and out in the fresh air, but before I do, I want to develop a thought I tossed out earlier.

That thought is that we are afflicted in this nation with a Civil War that has never really ceased. The same attitude that kept slavery entrenched in the old south even after the war was over now permeates the tea party. Those people hate our Union. They hate the fact that they are being slightly thwarted in their attitude of white supremacy and the class rights of the wealthy over the peons.

The real burr under their saddles is the fact that a "nigger" now sits in the White House. They hate the fact that the constitution forbids their imposition of their ignorance-based religion on all and sundry. They yearn for a return to the "stability" of a property owners dictatorship over the entire population of ordinary and inferior people.

They want unlimited ownership of any type of firearm for the same reason slave owners insisted on the second amendment, so they can threaten and keep in line anyone who objects to their plutocracy. It keeps them in a position of intimidation.

I guess that's enough said. I think you get my point.

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